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    Golf Instruction

Dano Korytoski

$65 for 45 Minutes
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Brandon Lovelady


Individual Lesson:

Single Hour - $85 for Members, $115 for Non-Members
Half Hour - $50 for Members, $65 for Non-Members
Lesson Packages - $300 for 5 hours, $385 for Non-Members (package valid for 12 months from purchase date)
9 Hole Playing lesson – two 1-hour lesson rates (contact direct for playing lesson)

Group Practice session: $20 for Members, no charge for Players Program (P.P) enrollees. 2 one-hour practice session per week that will be open to all members and students.
- These will be supervised practice periods focusing on either full swing
or short game (1 each per week)
- Group max of 4 per session.

Players Program:

$100 per month ($150 for Non-Members)

Enrollment offers student 2 one-hour lessons per month guaranteed and 2 practice periods at no additional cost. Additional lessons, if necessary, at discounted rate of half off standard member lesson rate.

- This program will have a mandatory minimum of 12 months of enrollment. Unused lessons and/or practice signups will not roll over to later months.
- Student can discontinue program at completion of the initial 12 months. Notice of un-enrollment must be provided to instructor before the first day of billing for the 13th month.
- After completion of 12-month, enrollment will be month to month. Un-enrollment notice must be provided prior to the 1st of the month. Maximum total enrollment of 40 golfers


Member: $50 per 90-minute session, $75 for Non-Members
Each 90-minute session will focus on one aspect for the golfers’ club-fitting needs. Driver, Woods and Hybrids, Irons, Wedges

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